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What is evidence?

Evidence is material that supports your side of the claim, or disproves someone else’s side. You should only give evidence that is relevant. Keep it focused on the facts of the dispute.

The CRT Rules say that you must give all relevant evidence, even if it might hurt your case. It’s an offence under the Civil Resolution Tribunal Act to give the CRT false or misleading information.

Learn about what kind of evidence you could submit.

For some claims, you may also want to consider getting expert evidence. This is a neutral opinion from an expert, based on their experience and qualifications.

What happens if I don’t submit evidence?

Evidence supports your side of the claim. If you don’t submit evidence, you might not get the decision you want or feel you deserve.

When do I submit evidence?

The CRT will tell you when to submit your evidence. There’s a deadline to submit it once you’re notified.

If you’re a participant in a CRT claim, you may want to start gathering your evidence early, so you’re ready when it’s time to upload it.

How do I submit evidence?

Once the CRT notifies you it’s time to submit evidence:

  1. Log in to your CRT Account.
  2. Choose the Dispute Number.
  3. Click the “Evidence” tab.

On the Evidence page you’ll also be able to see the evidence submitted by other participants in the claim.

Can someone be ordered to give evidence?

If someone who isn’t a participant in your claim refuses to give evidence that you think is relevant or important, you can try sending them a Summons. Ask your CRT case manager for an official Summons form. If they still refuse to give the evidence, a tribunal member may be able to order them to provide it.

Can the CRT help me get evidence?

If you’re not sure what evidence you should submit for your claim, you may want to get legal advice. The CRT can’t give legal advice, tell you what kind of evidence would help your case, or help you get evidence.

Can I alter something in my evidence?

The CRT Rules don’t prevent you from changing your evidence. For example, you could highlight or circle something that you want to bring attention to. Or you could redact (blur or black out) something you don’t want to share, such as personal information.

If you change your evidence, you must describe the changes in your arguments. You can’t change evidence and present it as if your changes were part of the original.

There are risks if you change your evidence. For example, if you redact something, a tribunal member might decide that you blacked it out because it’s not helpful for your side of the claim.

Can I submit anonymous statements as evidence?

Tribunal members consider how reliable and persuasive your evidence is. For example, you might have a witness who wants to stay anonymous, but witness statements are often more persuasive if they contain the witness’ name, signature, and date.

If your witness won’t agree to be identified, you may decide to submit the anonymous statement and explain in your arguments why they don’t want to be identified. The tribunal member will consider your explanation when they look at the evidence.

What if I have privacy concerns about evidence?

The CRT must balance the need to protect participants’ sensitive information with the need for the public to see how the CRT makes its decisions. We may decide not to release some information publicly. This depends on the potential harm to the affected person. For example, our decisions usually refer to non-participants by only their initials, not their full name.

Only the participants in a claim can view the evidence that’s been submitted. We don’t share evidence with non-participants, the public, or the media. Learn more about information access and privacy.

If you have privacy concerns about your evidence, talk to your CRT case manager before you submit it.