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What are arguments?

Arguments explain your side of the claim. They help the tribunal member make a decision about your claim.

You have to tell your whole story. The tribunal member won’t see any discussions you had with the other participants during negotiation or facilitation, so make sure you include everything that you want the tribunal member to know.

What happens if I don’t submit arguments?

Arguments explain your side of the claim. If you don’t submit arguments, you might not get the decision you want or feel you deserve.

When do I submit arguments?

Arguments are submitted during the decision preparation process. The CRT will tell you when to submit your arguments, and what the deadline is.

How do I submit arguments?

Once we notify you that it’s time to submit arguments:


Log in to your CRT Account and choose the Dispute Number.

Enter an argument for each claim and remedy

Click the “Arguments Needed” link. This link will be in an alert at the top of the page, in a light blue bar.

Click “Review and Save” to submit your arguments. You can’t make any changes once you submit them. But if you need more time to write your arguments, you can save your work and return to it later.

What should I include in my arguments?

Arguments explain your side of the claim. You could explain why a claim or remedy should or shouldn’t be successful, or why the evidence proves or doesn’t prove a relevant fact.

Each argument is limited to 20,000 characters, including spaces. An applicant can reply to any new issues raised in the respondent’s argument, but the limit for that is 10,000 characters. The character limits are shorter for arguments for interest or expenses claims.

Can the CRT help me with my arguments?

If you’re not sure what to say in your arguments, you may want to get legal advice.

The CRT can’t give legal advice, tell you what to say in your arguments, or help you write them.