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How do I enforce my CRT decision and order?

You can file any CRT order in court for enforcement. This includes default orders, orders from a final decision, and consent resolution orders.

The CRT can’t enforce a CRT order for you, or help you file with a court for enforcement. If you need help enforcing a CRT order, you may want to get legal advice.

For intimate image protection orders, see our Intimate Image FAQs for details on how to send and enforce an order.

To enforce a CRT order, you must file a validated copy of the order in court. The courts may have filing deadlines and charge filing fees.

When you file a CRT order with the court, the order has the same force and effect as if it were a judgment of that court.

When do I get a validated order?

We’ll send you the validated order with the decision.

Which court do I file the decision in?

Check your Dispute Number to confirm your claim type. (For example, a sample strata Dispute Number is “ST-2022-00001″).

** More information:

All claim types: The order can be filed in BC Provincial Court if the order is for financial compensation or the return of personal property and the principal amount payable or the value of the personal property is less than the Provincial Court’s monetary limit for small claims ($35,000).

What if the CRT cancels an order?

If the CRT cancels an order, the order is no longer enforceable.

If the order was already filed in court, the person who filed it must not take further steps to enforce the order, and must take the necessary steps to stop the enforcement process.