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Participant Satisfaction Survey – February 2022

The Civil Resolution Tribunal anonymously surveys people who have gone through the tribunal process. We use this feedback to improve the way we serve the public. We report the cumulative results every month on this blog.

We had 58 responses to our satisfaction survey in February 2022. We’re pleased to report that participant satisfaction remains strong.


Selected comments on what participants liked about their experience with the CRT:

  • I wanted to feel that my concerns were being fully acknowledged. The mediator was first class in this regard. 
  • I liked the clarity of the information provided, and also giving time to prepare and get paperwork put together.
  • It offered me an option to pursue damages for a claim without the expense of hiring a private lawyer. I am on a fixed income and this was an imperative.

Selected comments on what the CRT could have done to improve their experience:

  • A little less time between the different stages.
  • Make your website easier to navigate when dealing with a claim.