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Participant Satisfaction Survey – January 2021

The Civil Resolution Tribunal anonymously surveys people who have gone through the tribunal process. We use this feedback to improve the way we serve the public. We report the cumulative results every month on this blog.

Likely due to the holidays, we had only 37 responses to our satisfaction survey in January 2021. But we’re pleased to report that participant satisfaction remains strong.


Selected comments on what participants liked about their experience with the CRT:

  • I liked being able to do everything online. I liked that decisions are posted so that they can be used as a resource when drafting an application.
  • Felt we were dealt with clearly and professionally throughout.
  • I liked that it was available as a means of addressing this dispute relatively informally and inexpensively as opposed to a formal court proceeding. If the CRT had not been there we would likely not have proceeded but unhappily accepted what we felt was an unfair situation.
  • Sending this survey improved my experience, thank you.


Selected comments on what the CRT could have done to improve their experience:

  • It would be helpful to have access to more information on previous disputes to prepare for hearings.
  • Would be good to be able to move through the process in [less time], though I appreciate there are likely a number of factors dictating amount of time needed for each case.