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Implementation Update: Vehicle Accident Responsibility Claims

Earlier this year, the BC Government amended the Civil Resolution Tribunal Act to give the CRT jurisdiction to decide claims about ICBC’s assessment of a person’s responsibility for a vehicle accident. These amendments will be effective on September 1, 2022.

We’re working hard to prepare for this expanded area of CRT jurisdiction. We’ll be reporting on our progress in a series of blog posts, which highlight aspects of our team’s hard work behind the scenes.


As of September 1, 2022, if you don’t agree with ICBC’s assessment about your responsibility for a vehicle accident, you may be able to ask the CRT to decide responsibility. The CRT can only decide responsibility for an accident if you show that ICBC acted unreasonably or improperly in making their assessment.

Here’s what we’re doing to prepare for this expanded area of jurisdiction.

Solution Explorer

The Solution Explorer is the first step in the CRT dispute process. It asks you a series of questions to help classify your dispute. It gives you free legal information, self-help tools, and options for what you can do about your dispute. If you can’t resolve your dispute on your own, the Solution Explorer takes you directly to the CRT application form.

Our Solution Explorer team is hard at work building the content for this new area of accident responsibility claims.

We expect to have a public “beta test” ready in early August 2022. This is an opportunity for community advocates and the public to test the content before launch and give us feedback.

Other Preparations

We’re also building a new application form for these claims, training staff and writing procedures, and preparing everything needed behind the scenes to start taking these claims on September 1, 2022.


We’ll post another update in the weeks ahead. Keep an eye on our blog and social media!