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COVID-19 UPDATE: CRT Response Deadlines and Default Decisions

Posted by the CRT on March 18, 2020 and updated May 6, 2020

Reason for this message

The CRT is providing guidance regarding changes to response deadlines, and applications for default decisions and orders under the tribunal’s COVID-19 response plan.

Who does it apply to?

This information affects applicants to CRT disputes where the applicant would otherwise be entitled to apply for a default decision and order on March 18, 2020 or after. Applications for default decisions and orders submitted before March 18, 2020 will be processed normally.

Delay in processing default applications

CRT Rule 1.2(2) provides that:

In exceptional circumstances, the tribunal can waive the application of a rule or timeline to facilitate the fair, affordable, and efficient resolution of disputes.

The CRT has decided that the COVID-19 situation is an exceptional circumstance, because it may limit a respondent’s ability to receive or respond to a Dispute Notice. For this reason, consistent with Rule 1.2(2) and the tribunal’s mandate, the CRT is exercising its discretion to extend timelines for respondents to submit completed Dispute Responses.

In the interests of fairness, the CRT has not processed requests for default decisions and orders since March 18, 2020. The CRT will resume processing requests for default decisions and orders beginning June 1, 2020. Requests will be processed based on the date that the dispute became eligible for a party to request a default decision and order. The CRT may continue to exercise its discretion to extend timelines for respondents to submit completed Dispute Responses.