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Participant Satisfaction Survey – June 2022

The Civil Resolution Tribunal anonymously surveys people who have gone through the tribunal process. We use this feedback to improve the way we serve the public. We report the cumulative results every month on this blog.

We had 35 responses to our satisfaction survey in June 2022. We’re pleased to report that participant satisfaction remains strong.


Selected comments on what participants liked about their experience with the CRT:

  • The fact that [the CRT] exists. Finally, an entity that allows the “little person” to be heard without having to drain their resources on legal fees.
  • They’re independent, and that, I feel, keeps things on an objective and even playing field. You enter the process with confidence you will be heard.
  • [The case manager] guided me through the entire process perfectly.
  • CRT was user friendly and relatively hassle free.
  • I really appreciate the inclusive, plain language website that really tries hard to make the process accessible and understandable regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, language, or education.


Selected comments on what the CRT could have done to improve their experience:

  • More information in how long the process would take.
  • Making it clearer as to when evidence [should] be provided.
  • Provide [a] sample/explanation when filing the claim application; I sometimes found the info is a bit confusing and not sure what kind of info I should provide.