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Participant Survey – February 2024

The Civil Resolution Tribunal anonymously surveys people who have gone through the tribunal process. We use this feedback to improve the way we serve the public. We report the results every month on this blog.

We had 37 responses to our participant survey in February 2024. We’re pleased to report that participant satisfaction remains strong in all areas except timely resolution. We’re taking measures to address a staff shortage and improve timeliness in all areas of the dispute resolution process.


Selected comments on what participants liked about their experience with the CRT:

  • A huge time saver, simple process and availability was excellent.
  • It has made the process much less intimidating for someone lacking a legal background.
  • I like that they are fair and follow the facts.
  • Constant communication with updates and answers to questions in a very timely manner.

Selected comments on what the CRT could have done to improve their experience:

  • More info on when/how to withdraw the dispute once negotiated by both parties, and where both were in agreement.
  • More telephone communication is good for dialogue regarding small technical details.
  • Hire more staff so that disputes can be handled a bit quicker.