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Participant Satisfaction Survey – December 2022

The Civil Resolution Tribunal anonymously surveys people who have gone through the tribunal process. We use this feedback to improve the way we serve the public. We report the results every month on this blog.

We had 27 responses to our participant satisfaction survey in December 2022. Satisfaction remains strong in all areas except timely resolution. We’re taking measures to address a staff shortage and improve timeliness in all areas of the dispute resolution process.


Selected comments on what participants liked about their experience with the CRT:

  • The use of third party process to handle a difficult issue. Staff were professional and responsive. A very useful alternative to court proceedings.
  • Everything done electronically…perfect.
  • Very professional. [They] explained each step very clearly with good timelines.

Selected comments on what the CRT could have done to improve their experience:

  • Uploading the evidence was confusing.
  • Maybe some basic training vids (videos).