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Updated CRT Rules Effective September 1, 2022

As of September 1, 2022, if you don’t agree with ICBC’s assessment about responsibility for a motor vehicle accident, you may be able to ask the CRT to decide responsibility.

This is a new area under the CRT’s accident claims jurisdiction. The CRT’s accident claims jurisdiction also includes claims about entitlement to accident benefits, fault and damages, and minor injury determinations.

We’ve updated some language in the CRT Rules to make it clear which rules apply to which type of accident claims.

What are the CRT Rules?

Courts and tribunals usually have rules. The CRT Rules are a bit like an instruction guide and set out a fair, transparent, and consistent process for resolving claims.

The CRT’s mandate requires that it be accessible, speedy, economical, informal, and flexible. Because of that, we want the rules to be as clear and easy to use as possible. We have used feedback from CRT participants and stakeholders to review and update the Rules several times since we started accepting claims in July 2016.

How do people use the CRT Rules?

If we’re being totally honest – we hope people using the CRT don’t actually have to look at the CRT Rules very often! We try to build processes and guides that speak for themselves, and give you the information you need, when you need it. But when people need or want to read our complete rules, they are available here.

Have questions, or want to give feedback on the CRT Rules?

If you have any questions about the CRT Rules, please contact us. We can’t provide legal advice, but we always welcome feedback. We’ll forward your questions and feedback to our CRT Rules team.