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Intimate Images Protection Act Proposes Expansion of CRT’s Jurisdiction

On March 6, 2023, Premier Eby announced that the Intimate Images Protection Act will be introduced in the BC legislature. If passed, the legislation will expand the Civil Resolution Tribunal’s (CRT) jurisdiction to resolve claims about non-consensual sharing of intimate images. These claims will relate to the sharing or online distribution of nude, near-nude, or sexual photographs/videos without the consent of those in the images.

If passed, the CRT’s jurisdiction will include the ability to:

  • Make declarations that intimate images were recorded or distributed without consent
  • Order people to stop distributing or threatening to distribute intimate images
  • Order monetary damages for harms suffered

What is the CRT doing to prepare for this new jurisdiction?

If passed, the CRT will expand its online Solution Explorer to:

  • Help people diagnose their legal issue
  • Give information about their rights
  • Provide self-help tools to try to resolve the issue on their own
  • Provide information to access community and mental health supports

We will be reviewing our processes, making changes to our procedures, and ensuring that we have the required number of staff and tribunal members who are trained and well-prepared to handle these new claims.

Read more about this announcement.

As the bill progresses through the legislative process, we will provide regular updates on our progress as we prepare for this new jurisdiction.