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CRT Statistics Snapshot – May 2021

Do you like data? We do! Here’s our monthly report of key statistics.

The first table is our monthly report of key statistics. We have added a column to reflect our new jurisdiction over Enhanced Accident Benefit Disputes, as of May 1, 2021. The second table is an update on MVI disputes affected by the March, 2021 BC Supreme Court decision.

If there’s information you would like to see added to our monthly reports, please contact us. We will consider including it.

Open” includes disputes in screening, negotiation and facilitation, on hold, decision preparation, and adjudication.

Closed” includes withdrawn claims, disputes resolved by agreement, the CRT refused to issue a Dispute Notice, disputes resolved by default or tribunal member decision, and other reasons for closure.


This table shows the status of the motor vehicle injury disputes affected by the BC Supreme Court’s March 2, 2021 decision. On April 8, 2021, the BC Court of Appeal issued a stay of proceedings, which allowed parties to choose whether to file their claim in court or with the CRT. Parties were advised of this and asked to let the CRT know their decision, and this data is reflected in the table.