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Blog Post

2017: Call for Feedback From Community & Legal Advocates

Our goal is to make the CRT as accessible as possible. That’s why our priority is making sure that any new CRT features, forms, or resources make things easier for those who have difficulty accessing our justice system.

We’ve sometimes had limited uptake in testing directly with people with barriers, and we’re working on better ways to connect directly with these participants. We often rely on community and legal advocates to provide feedback with the needs of their clients in mind. We know you work tirelessly to represent clients who are vulnerable and may experience multiple barriers to do with language, income, and mental or physical health issues, among other circumstances.

We’ve worked with advocates on creating an easy-to-use fee waiver process, intake screening for participants who need special accommodations, staff training in mental health issues and cultural competency, and many other aspects of the CRT that help us achieve our mandate to increase access to justice.

We want to make sure as many voices as possible are heard when we co-design the CRT with the public. If you provide community assistance or legal advocacy to clients with barriers to accessing the justice system, we want to hear from you!

We’re getting ready to test designs for an online portal for people to manage their CRT dispute, and we would like your feedback. Generally, this only takes about an hour at a time, and you can participate by telephone and screen share anywhere in the province.

If you’re a community or legal advocate interested in volunteering to provide feedback, please contact us. We’ll put you on a list of people we’ll contact when we’re doing this testing, but there’s no obligation to participate in any or all of the sessions. If you do participate in a session, we’ll send you a small gift card as a thank you.

We very much appreciate your time and we’re grateful for your ongoing support.